Survivor Bug Fixes, The Voice Restored, & Simple Simulator Saving
– Survivor Bugs Fixed:
– The tribe swaps in Caramoan and One World no longer sort alphabetically after uneven starting genders.
– The second merge idol in Cagayan no longer duplicates.
– Super Idols now factor in hidden immunity idols to make sure they’re played correctly.
– The Super Idol merging logic has been improved on Kaoh Rong.
– The Voice has been restored in its original form after breaking at some point during 2021.
– Saving has been added to Among Us, The Voice, and The Weakest Link to complete all the current simulators.
Survivor Blood vs. Water and San Juan del Sur Upgraded
The final two Survivor seasons have been upgraded on Thanks to bwburke94 for helping to plan the seasons and to Azure, Brandon, Hydro, and Jacob for testing the seasons prior to their release.
These seasons feature the blood vs. water twist where pairs of loved ones compete with only player claiming the title of sole survivor. There are 10 pairs in Blood vs. Water for a total of 20 players and 9 pairs in San Juan del Sur for a total of 18 players. Both seasons feature a final three with eight jurors.
Blood vs. Water features the return of Redemption Island and an option for a loved one to switch with their partner on Redemption Island each episode. Duels will take place at Redemption Island where the winners receive a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol that can be given to anyone in the game or kept for themselves in the returning rounds. Two idols are hidden at the original tribe camps. A merge idol is hidden if less than two idols are in the game, and rehidden if there are no idols are in the game. The idols are in play until final five.
San Juan del Sur features the return of Exile Island and reward challenges consisting of duels between loved ones. The loser is sent to Exile Island along with a tribe mate of the winner’s choice. One of the players at Exile Island gets a clue to the idol while the other gets nothing. Pre-merge, each original tribe has an idol. Post-merge, the only idol is hidden at Exile Island. This is in play until final five.
Survivor 27: Blood vs. Water
Survivor 29: San Juan del Sur
Thank you to everyone who has been testing and reporting bugs. I’m also gathering feedback in this Google Doc. The next two planned releases for Survivor will be season 40, Winners at War, and Australian Survivor All-Stars (2020).
Survivor One World Updated
The next Survivor season has been upgraded on
Thanks to bwburke94 and Jacob for helping to plan the season and to Azure, Brandon, and Hazmann for testing the season prior to its release.
The twist of this season is that the two starting tribes will live together on one beach for the first four episodes. Therefore, there are just single event pages rather than two, and both idols can be found by anyone either tribe. However, the idols do have to be passed to a player on the appropriate tribe.
The season reverts to normal following a balanced tribe swap (using the same logic from Caramoan) in episode 5. At this point, tribal idols are hidden and rehidden normally as well. The merge occurs during episode 7, and its idol is both hidden and rehidden only if no other idols remain in the game. Final Tribal Council occurs with three finalists and 9 jurors.
Survivor Caramoan Updated
The next Survivor season has been upgraded on
Thanks to bwburke94 and Jacob for helping to plan the season and to Azure, Brandon, and Hazmann testing the season prior to its release.
This season features two starting tribes of ten, a tribe swap at Episode 7, and a merge at Episode 9. Final Tribal Council occurs with 3 finalists and 8 jurors. If the season starts with ten females and ten males, the tribe swap balances both tribes and genders. Otherwise, just the tribes will be balanced.
Each tribe features a Hidden Immunity Idol at their original tribe camp. The standard merge idol is hidden if less than or equal than one idols remain in the game. An additional merge idol is also hidden after the final 8 immunity challenge if less than or equal than one idols are in the game, including those hidden.
Australian Survivor: Champions v Contenders II (2019) Released
Taking a short break from the US seasons of Survivor, the 2019 Australian version is the next to be released.
Australian Survivor Champions v. Contenders II (2019)
Thanks to Wcplays for testing the season and debuting it with his live simulation series finale on the Discord server last night.
More US seasons will be released later this month.
Keep reading to see the twists from the season.
Survivor Redemption Island and South Pacific Upgraded
For New Year 2022, the next two Survivor seasons have been upgraded on Thanks to bwburke94 for helping to plan the seasons and to Brandon, Dimi, and Jacob for testing the seasons prior to their release.
Both seasons are more advanced than their original counterparts and better showcase the unique aspects of the seasons.
Survivor 22: Redemption Island
Survivor 23: South Pacific
Keep reading for more details.
Survivor Philippines, Cagayan, and Worlds Apart Upgraded
The next three Survivor seasons have been upgraded on – all featuring three starting tribes of six. Thanks to bwburke94 for helping to plan the seasons and to Brandon, Dimi, and Jacob for testing the seasons prior to their release.
Survivor 25: Philippines
Survivor 28: Cagayan
Survivor 30: Worlds Apart
Keep reading for more details.
Survivor Nicaragua & Heroes vs. Villains Upgraded
The next two Survivor seasons have been upgraded on Thanks to bwburke94 for helping to plan the seasons and to Brandon, Dimi, and Jacob for testing the seasons prior to their release.
Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains
Survivor 21: Nicaragua
Keep reading for more details.
Survivor Kaoh Rong & Cambodia Upgraded
For Christmas 2021, two of the most complex seasons of Survivor were updated. Thanks to bwburke for helping to plan the seasons and to Brandon, Dimi, and Jacob for testing the seasons prior to their release.
Both seasons are more advanced than their original counterparts and better showcase the unique aspects of the seasons.
Survivor 31: Cambodia
Survivor 32: Kaoh Rong
Keep reading for more details.
Survivor Samoa Upgraded
The Survivor Samoa simulator is the 19th Survivor season to be updated. This season was silently released in October, but has not been announced until today. Thanks to bwburke for helping to plan the season and to Brandon, Dimi, and Jacob for testing the season prior to its release.
The Profile Update that includes Forgiveness, Boldness, Influence, and Intuition, along with jury reasoning and a better calculation for the top strategists, is not yet completed and will be released in a later update. More Survivor season upgrades should be released by the end of the year.
Keep reading for more details.
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