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Bunny's Pokémon Survivor: Champion's Cup
Episode 1


Everest the Glaceon
Hank the Houndour
Helios the Helioptile
Huntmaster the Genesect
Jacques the Glaceon

Phoenix the Ninetales
Smooch the Bruxish
Spamton the Poygon-Z
Troop Alpha the Falinks
Usagi the Cutiefly

Ice Beam

Amelia the Roselia
Ballet the Gothorita
James the Arbok
Kintaros the Ursaring
Luke the Wobbufett

Oreo the G-Linoone
Rokket the Celesteela
Sandra the Seel
Sniper the Froakie
Tony the Pikachu

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Logic: Included | Events/Status Pages: Included

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled