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Survivor Game Changers
Immunity Challenge
Blue Lagoon Bustle

"Tribes start out on the beach, with each tribe running into the ocean, swimming out to a net obstacle, climbing over it, going over a barrel roll, and swimming to a platform to retrieve keys. Three players from each tribe then solve their tribe's puzzle in the form of a captain's wheel. The first tribe to extend the flag using the wheel wins." ~ @SurvivorWiki

Andrea Boehlke
Brad Culpepper
Cirie Fields
Debbie Wanner
James Thomas

Ozzy Lusth
Sarah Lacina
Sierra Thomas
Tai Trang
Zeke Smith

Nuku Tribe wins immunity!

They also win flint.

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled