Survivor Edge of Extinction Simulator Released & Saving for S33-S38
A simulator has been released for Survivor 38: Edge of Extinction, along with saving for seasons 33-38. The original plan was to complete the Survivor Custom Template first and then release these seasons using the new features. This plan was adjusted because of how long it’s taken to complete the Survivor Template and the lack of other updates in May.
Once the Survivor Custom Template is released, new seasons for 33-38 will replace the current ‘test’ seasons. Therefore the ‘saved’ simulations for these seasons are temporary and will be removed with a one month notice after the Custom Template is released. The main weakness in these seasons (including the new 38) is the lack of secret advantage functionality. Standard idols do work, however. Please leave any feedback here and report any bugs you see with this season. Thank you.
Also thank you to Edwyth and Eric for testing the season and Commentarian for contributing feedback on its direction.
Expect to see more simulator updates throughout June, including further development with the updated Hunger Games Simulator. Other top results from the recent surveys will enter new stages of planning and development. There may be a cast photo update.
Survivor 40 Prediction Game
There will be a BrantSteele Prediction Game for Survivor 40 hosted on Sign-ups officially open Friday, May 24th at 8:00 PM EST. This contains cast spoilers.
You must register an account for it and confirm your email. You can do this before sign ups open.
The Prediction Game was brought back this season because the cast was revealed early, before any spoilers have come out. Sign-ups will only be open for a limited time – currently set for one week. Thanks to Inside Survivor for posting the rumored cast.
Sign-ups are now live.
Update: Sign-ups were temporarily stopped due to an email account validation issue. Sign-ups have been re-opened, and accounts are no longer needed.
Bonus Poll
Thank you for the all the feedback so far. This extra poll is just to re-evaluate the type of simulator releases that users would most prefer.
Next Update Poll
Which simulator update would you like to see next of the past poll winners and other planned updates? Vote for as many as you want! Poll closes 5/4 at 8 PM EST.
Update: Twists in the Big Brother Interactive Template received the most votes, but that doesn’t mean it will be the only update made.
All times EST
Total Drama Poll
Which season of Total Drama would you like to see next? Vote for as many as you want! Poll closes 5/3 at 8 PM EST.
Update: Total Drama World Tour won by 74 votes.
Saturday 5/4 at 8:00 PM: Bonus Poll on Simulator Type Preference (24 hours)
All times EST
Big Brother Poll
Which season of Big Brother would you like to see next? Vote for as many as you want! Poll closes 5/2 at 8 PM EST.
Update: Big Brother 20 won by 108 votes.
Friday 5/3 at 8:00 PM: Final Poll Posted on which update to prioritize next (24 hours)
Saturday 5/4 at 8:00 PM: Bonus Poll on Simulator Type Preference (24 hours)
All times EST
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