Ladder Daze"The tribes will race down a ramp and go through an obstacle where they will make their way to a large wooden crate, which contains a ladder. They will then choose to open the crate by using keys to unlock locks or they can untie knots. Both methods will release the ladder. Once they have the ladder free, they will use it to go up, across, and down a tall platform and through another series of obstacles. They will then use the ladder to make their biggest decision in the challenge of which puzzle to solve. There are three choices. The first puzzle has only five pieces, but it requires a person to see the big picture. The second puzzle has ten pieces in it and requires a person to see things more visually. The third puzzle has the most pieces at fifty, but it is also the most straight forward. All of these puzzles average the same amount of time to finish. If the right person is put on the right puzzle, they may be able to finish faster than average. The first two tribes to finish their puzzle win immunity." ~
@SurvivorWikiDan Foley
Kelly Remington
Lindsey Cascaddan
Mike Holloway
Rodney Lavoie
Sierra Dawn Thomas
Escameca Tribe wins immunity!
They also win a fire making kit.
Carolyn Rivera
Joaquin Souberbielle
Max Dawson
Shirin Oskooi
So Kim
Tyler Fredrickson
Masaya Tribe wins immunity!
They also win flint.