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Survivor Redemption Island
Immunity Challenge
Push it Uphill

"Each tribe pushes four blocks along a track to build the base of a temple. They will then run up the steps, where one person will use an ax to chop a series of ropes, releasing another set of steps. They'll then make their way to the top where they will race to solve a block puzzle, which will complete their temple. First tribe to get it right wins." ~ @SurvivorWiki

Andrea Boehlke
Ashley Underwood
Francesca Hogi
Grant Mattos

Kristina Kell
Matt Elrod
Natalie Tenerelli
Phillip Sheppard
Rob Mariano

Ometepe Tribe wins immunity!

They also win flint.

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled