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Bunny's Pokémon Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
Episode 1

Heroes Tribe

Ace the Lucario
Ariann the Torchic
Bubbles the Dewpider
Gale the Snorunt
Hank the Houndour

Kovu the Dewott
Kyleigh the *Kirlia*
Lassie the Arcanine
Sniper the Froakie
Tony the Pikachu

Villains Tribe

Amara the Mareep
Amelia the Roselia
Bowser the Turtonator
Chaos the Wynaut
Corrode the Rolycoly

Dusk the Umbreon
Huntmaster the Genesect
Soul the *Mimikyu*
Topaz the Roggenrola
Zap the Magnemite

See Cast | Shuffle Tribes | Settings

Alliances | Relationships | Profiles

Logic: Included | Events/Status Pages: Included

Change Settings Each Episode: Disabled

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled