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Survivor Marquesas
Tribal Council

Rotu Tribe

Gabriel Cade
John Carroll
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien
Neleh Dennis

Paschal English
Robert DeCanio
Tammy Leitner
Zoe Zanidakis

It's time to vote.

I'll read the votes.

First vote...


That's 1 vote Tammy.


That's 2 votes Tammy. 6 votes left.


That's 2 votes Tammy and 1 vote John. 5 votes left.


That's 2 votes John and 2 votes Tammy. 4 votes left.


That's 3 votes John and 2 votes Tammy. 3 votes left.


That's 4 votes John and 2 votes Tammy. 2 votes left.

The 1st person voted out of Survivor Marquesas...


That's 5. That's enough.

Final vote count was 6 votes John and 2 votes Tammy.

John, the tribe has spoken.

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Streamer Mode: Disabled