Show Songs: Yes
The Voice
The Contestants
Amanda Kimmel
Andrea Boehlke
Aras Baskauskas
Ashley Nolan
Ashley Trainer

Aubry Bracco
Billy Garcia
Bob Crowley
Bobby Mason
Brady Finta
Brett Clouser

Brian Corridan
Brook Geraghty
Candace Smith
Candice Woodcock
Chanelle Howell
Chase Rice

Christa Hastie
Colton Cumbie
Dan Spilo
Desiree Williams
Elisabeth Scott
Elyse Umemoto

Erik Huffman
Frank Garrison
Gabe Ortis
Gary Hogeboom
Holly Hoffman
Ibrehem Rahman

James Clement
Janu Tornell
Jim Rice
Joe Dowdle
Julia Landauer
Julie Alley

Julie McGee
Kristina Kell
Lex van den Berghe
Lydia Meredith
Maryanne Oketch
Matt Quinlan

Matthew von Ertfelda
Michael Yerger
Michelle Chase
Morgan McLeod
Neal Gottlieb
Neleh Dennis

Rob Mariano
Rodger Bingham
Sarah Lacina
Sash Lenahan
Sekou Bunch
Shii Ann Huang

Solomon Yi
Stacy Kimball
Stephanie Valencia
Ted Rogers, Jr.
Teresa Cooper
Tommy Sheehan

Val Collins
Venus Vafa
Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff
Whitney Duncan
Zach Wurtenberger

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Show Songs: Yes