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Bonny's Pokémon Survivor: Fallarbor
Episode 1

Amie Tribe

Beth the Bunnelby
Deku the Glaceon
Flosunder the *Sunflora*
Gunnar the Aggron
Hanna the Jynx
Mickie the Chespin

Milo the Spheal
Mina the Skitty
Mud the Mudkip
Oddi the Oddish
Ruby the Nickit
Vinnie the Weepinbell

Pelago Tribe

Catalina the Cottonee
Everest the Glaceon
Hanley the Hitmonchan
Knight the Bisharp
Liv the Alcremie
Lynn the Vaporeon

Mega the Hydreigon
Melania the Altaria
Ronny the Rockruff
Vegeta the Machoke
Vito the Blastoise
Void the *Dusknoir*

See Cast | Shuffle Tribes | Settings

Alliances | Relationships | Profiles

Logic: Included | Events/Status Pages: Included

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled