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Bunny's Pokémon Survivor: Animation Showdown
Episode 1

Network Tribe

Bender the Bronzong
Celestia the Cresselia
Flowey the Sunflora
Homer the Slowpoke
Jessica the Cyndaquil
Kaard the Kartana

Katara the Tirtouga
Morpho the Volcarona
Phineas the Timburr
Puck the Mesprit
Sora the H-Sneasel
Whisper the Vanilluxe

Channel Tribe

Azura the Primarina
Byleth the Beldum
Cuphead the Sinistea
Donald the Farfetch'd
Fi the Gardevoir
Kirby the Cosmog

Linda the Bruxish
Nezuko the H-Zorua
Parallel Landia the Hydreigon
Snoopy the Yamper
Usagi the Cutiefly
WALL-E the Registeel

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Logic: Included | Events/Status Pages: Included

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled