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Buny's Pokémon Survivor: Middle of the Pack
Episode 1

Mean Tribe

Alastor the Togetic
Ballet the Gothorita
Blade the Luxio
Clyde the *Dusclops*
Ember the Kirlia

Fifi the Floette
Jefra the Hattrem
Ninja the Frogadier
Ryan the Klank
Sabrina the Shelgon

Median Tribe

Courtney the Kirlia
Dawn the Quilava
Duncan the Krokorok
Gabriel the Togetic
Halie the Steenee

Julien the Combusken
Luffy the Lombre
Slayer the Doublade
Sylvana the Skiploom
Veronica the Croconaw

See Cast | Shuffle Tribes | Settings

Alliances | Relationships | Profiles

Logic: Included | Events/Status Pages: Included

Change Settings Each Episode: Disabled

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled