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Bunny's Pokémon Survivor: Second Chances
Episode 1

Hearthome Tribe

Aaliyah the Lilligant
Amelia the Florges
Dahlia the Nidorina
Evan the Emolga
Frank Jr the Charmander

Josee the Glaceon
Liam the Scizor
Severa the Mightyena
Simba the Litleo
Victor the Voltorb

Castelia Tribe

Bill the Rotom
Flosunder the Evil Sunflora
General the Tropius
Halie the Steenee
Jello the Ditto

Kiryomi the Banette
Martha the Drampa
Oreo the G-Linoone
Sprite the Cacturne
Tess the Alakazam

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Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: Off
Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
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Streamer Mode: Disabled