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Survivor Blood vs. Water
Episode 1

Galang Tribe

Dreamy Bowser
Pair 1
Sticks the Badger
Pair 2
Zack Taylor
Pair 3
Mr. Wolf
Pair 4
Lilac Cookie
Pair 5

Marcy Wu
Pair 6
Shiny Pteranodon
Pair 7
Pair 8
Charlotte Lebouff
Pair 9
Pair 10

Tadhana Tribe

Pair 1
Vector the Crocodile
Pair 2
Billy Cranston
Pair 3
Ms. Tarantula
Pair 4
Purple Yam Cookie
Pair 5

Anne Boonchuy
Pair 6
Pair 7
Sarah Connor
Pair 8
Pair 9
Pair 10

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Logic: Included | Events/Status Pages: Included

Change Settings Each Episode: Disabled

Display Options
Tribe History: Colors
Status Page Buttons: On
Reasoning & Targets: On
Relationship Highlights: Off
TC Votes Left: Shown
Streamer Mode: Disabled
Sorted by: Pairs