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Bunny's Pokemon Survivor: The Whirl Islands
Episode 1

Deep Sea

Amara the Mareep
Aria the Primarina
Bubbles the Dewpider
Jasmine the MIlotic
Layton the Bergmite

Liam the Scizor
Nick the Shinx
Olivia the Magikarp
Tony the Pikachu
Xeno the Garchomp


Goku the Machamp
Hadley the Vaporeon
Jada the Combee
James the Solrock
Mai the H-Lilligant

Marina the Octillery
Sally the Wobbufett
Sargent the Stoutland
Smokey the Ursaring
Terminus the Runerigus

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Tribe History: Colors
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Reasoning & Targets: Off
Relationship Highlights: Off
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Streamer Mode: Disabled