Ace the Houndour
Austin the Machop
Bubbles the Popplio
Gage the Toxel
Gemma the Glimmet
Haleena the Hatenna
Ian the Cubchoo
Jinx the Shinx
Karma the Eevee
Luca the Drowzee
Nikki the Nickit
Ronda the Nidoran
Timmeh the Timburr
Vomitar the Grimer
Xavi the Voltorb
Adjust Size |
Adjust Jury | Quitting:
DisabledAlliances |
Relationships |
Popularity |
Included |
Manage EventsStyle:
1a. Play Interactively - Basic Version1b. Play Interactively & Change Weekly2. Change Relationships Each Week3. Let the Simulator Decide All (set)
-With styles 1-2, simulation stops for you to make the choices.
-You must click 'proceed' each week to continue the simulation.