Display Options
Animation: On [Click]
Reasoning: Off

Split Memory Wall
Shuffle Memory Wall
Bunny's Pokemon Big Brother 2: Rondez-Vous
Week #1
Andrew the Weavile
Antonella the Hypno
Bramble the Shroomish
Callie the Petilil

Carlos the Pancham
Carol the Indeedee
Coco the Ludicolo
Daenerys the Serperior
Diana the Skiploom

Harvey the Houndstone
Jay the Raboot
Lucy the Seviper
Peter the Cradily
Tracy the Tangela

Adjust Size | Adjust Jury | Quitting: Disabled

Alliances | Relationships | Popularity | Profiles

Logic: Included | Manage Events


1a. Play Interactively - Basic Version
1b. Play Interactively & Change Weekly
2. Change Relationships Each Week
3. Let the Simulator Decide All (set)

-With styles 1-2, simulation stops for you to make the choices.
-You must click 'proceed' each week to continue the simulation.


Display Options
Animation: On [Click]
Reasoning: Off

Split Memory Wall
Shuffle Memory Wall