Display Options
Animation: On [Click]
Reasoning: Off

Split Memory Wall
Shuffle Memory Wall
Sodas Big Brother Season 9
Week #1
Anita Rosewood
Ashley Jenkins
Cardi Reyes
Carver Mike
Hayley Samson

Helen Strahm
India Crispen
James Arthur
Jay Mant
Maddie River
Pooter Trench

Royce Hall
Terrance Smith
Tiffany Conrad
Victor Flannegan
Winston Gale

Adjust Size | Adjust Jury | Quitting: Enabled

Alliances | Relationships | Popularity | Profiles

Logic: Included | Manage Events


1a. Play Interactively - Basic Version
1b. Play Interactively & Change Weekly
2. Change Relationships Each Week
3. Let the Simulator Decide All (set)

-With styles 1-2, simulation stops for you to make the choices.
-You must click 'proceed' each week to continue the simulation.


Display Options
Animation: On [Click]
Reasoning: Off

Split Memory Wall
Shuffle Memory Wall