Display Options
Animation: On [Click]
Reasoning: Off

Split Memory Wall
Shuffle Memory Wall
Big Brother
Week #1
Abigail Wilson
Aoife O'Connor
Audres de Talavera
Bradley Harrison
Conall MacDougall

Dayton McConnell
Elijah Moss
Estela Christopher
Hana Chisaka
Harold Johnson
Jacqueline Neech

Kayla Harlow
Levon Becker
Rajni Vaidyaa
Rico Sandler
Sonia Cortez

Adjust Size | Adjust Jury | Quitting: Enabled

Alliances | Relationships | Popularity | Profiles

Logic: Included | Manage Events


1a. Play Interactively - Basic Version
1b. Play Interactively & Change Weekly
2. Change Relationships Each Week
3. Let the Simulator Decide All (set)

-With styles 1-2, simulation stops for you to make the choices.
-You must click 'proceed' each week to continue the simulation.


Display Options
Animation: On [Click]
Reasoning: Off

Split Memory Wall
Shuffle Memory Wall