AlliancesAlliance #2 (5 Strength)Bruno Ielo
Loyalty: 5
Cassandra Shahinfar
Loyalty: 5
Demetres Giannitsos
Loyalty: 5
Karen Singbeil
Loyalty: 5
Mark Chrysler
Loyalty: 5
Relationship HighlightsCassandra and Bruno feel a mutual medium bond toward one another.
Karen feels a medium bond toward Cassandra.
Jackie and Cassandra feel mutual medium dislike toward one another.
Neda and Dillon feel a mutual small bond toward one another.
Neda and Cassandra feel mutual medium dislike toward one another.
Kevin and Demetres feel mutual medium dislike toward one another.
Neda and Dre feel mutual medium dislike toward one another.
Neda and Demetres feel mutual medium dislike toward one another.
Kevin and Dallas feel a mutual small bond toward one another.
Dallas and Cassandra feel mutual medium dislike toward one another.