Big Brother 21
Week 1
The Cast

Angela Tackie
Brooke Warnock
Carol Rosher
Christopher Wyllie
Hira Deol

Jamar Lee
John Luke Kieper
Kyle Rozendal
Madeline Di Nunzio
Micheal Stubley
Minh-Ly Nguyen-Cao

Nico Vera
Rianne Swanson
Sheldon Jean
Susanne Fuda
Vanessa Clements

Use Default Cast | Use Blue Backgrounds

Alliances | Relationships | Popularity | Profiles

Logic: Included | Events/Status Pages: Included | Status Page Buttons: Included


1. Make Audience Decisions & Change Settings Each Week.
2. Make Audience Decisions Only.
3. Let the Simulator Decide All. (set)

Changing any of these settings will re-simulate your season from the start.
